I had quite forgotten about the small notice in the PN to say that the BBC would be back on local FM but by chance this morning I cranked the dial to 106 in a moment of unconscious fiddling.
You can imagine how delighted I was to hear the smooth eloquence of the BBC delivering the news. I found the experience so intellectually uplifting that after just a few minutes I actually cooked breakfast by simply thinking about it and using the energy from excess IQ.
If Stuart isn’t knighted for his initiative then at the very least I hope he’ll feel the warmth of the Lord’s smile.
In bringing back the BBC he's reminded me of a damn good lesson which I never quite seem to retain and practice: if you can do something about a problem then go to it, don't just sit in your armchair whinging. Perhaps its the enormity of all the problems that I'd like to solve that leaves me exhausted before I even get started on one of them and so I find the only task I can tackle is to moan, weakly.
I wonder what other joys in life might be brought about or problems solved if there were more people like Stuart and less like me. Not much peat was ever cut by sitting on ones hands expecting someone else to pick up the spade. Stuart of course wasn’t alone in bringing back the BBC but he started it and the point I’m trying to make is that the vital thing is the spark that starts the fire – no spark, no fire.
I haven't given it a lot of thought but the strength of a community to survive is probably based on people who will take the initiative; I doubt an enduring one has its idle whingers to thank.
With that in mind I'll now spring forth and strike down a problem...well, right after a short nap, all this thinking has left me a little tired.